Server Update Info/Details 21Th June

-> Updates/Fixes June 21Th

- Guild Limit Increased To 99x
- Gems Level Increased To Lv6 (Neck-Rings Gems Remain Lv5)
- Demonic World Portal Inside Time Fixed
- Chaos Dream Minimap Fixed
- Lightning Skills Damage Fixed On Bosses

- All alt guilds have been deleted and the server will now only have two guilds with the limit at 99x.
> The two guilds that will remain will be:
- VainGlorious
- PK Academy

- Todas as guildas alts foram deletadas e o servidor agora só terá duas guildas com o limite em 99x.
> As duas guildas que permanecerão serão:
- VainGlorious
- PK Academy

- Todos los gremios alternativos han sido eliminados y el servidor ahora solo tendrá dos gremios con un límite de 99x.
> Los dos gremios que quedarán serán:
- VainGlorious
- PK Academy

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Server Information

    Server Online

    Player Level Instant
  • Max Player LevelLv110
  • Pet Lv Normal FruitsLv50
  • Pet Lv Improved FruitsLv62
  • Pet Growth Expx1850
  • Guild Limit10
  • Drop Ratex5

  • 02:40 09/07/2024

    GM Online:@[GM]Dev.


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