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Tribal Bow

Long-ranged bow made from animal parts. Small and easy to carry


Type Bow
Level 30
Race Lance, Carsise, Phyllis, Ami
Profession Hunter, Animal Tamer, Sharpshooter, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Newbie
Price 6 474
Traded Yes
Discard Yes
Destroyed Yes
Banked Yes
Stackable None


Strength + 0 - 11
Agility + 0 - 11
Constitution + 0 - 11
Accuracy + 0 - 11
Spirit + 0 - 11
Min. damage + 105 - 133
Max. damage + 117 - 149
Hit rate + 10 - 12

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