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Swamp Warden

Swamp Warden

Experience 5 402
Level 55
Health Points 17 200
Spirit Points 167
HP recovery 22
SP recovery 0
Damage 616 - 924
Attack speed 1 500
Defense 175
Physical resist 33
Flee 212
Hit rate 240
Crit rate 10
Radius of the review 1 000
Radius of the prosecution 1 500
Movement speed 420
Strength 32
Constitution 32
Agility 32
Accuracy 32
Stamina 32
AI 10 (Attacks)

Drop list

ID Item name %
3445 Rotten Roots 100%
3427 Ja Runestone 75.08%
3927 Mud 50%
456 Strengthening Crystal 12.5%
881 Lustrious Gem 12.5%
885 Refining Gem 10%
455 Strengthening Scroll 12.5%
456 Strengthening Crystal 12.5%

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