Server Update Info/Details October 17Th

Updates/Fixes October 17Th

- Daily Guides Notice Updated
- Pirate Gems Limit Increased To Lv8 
Note: The gem cap will remain at level 8 for quite some time.
OBS: O limite das gems permanecerá no level 8 por um bom tempo.
- Hydra PK Coins Changed To Hydra Coins
NOTE: These coins will be obtained from map rewards and mobs/chests in pk maps. The drop chance of these drops has been increased.
OBS: Esses coins serão obtidos por mapas recompensas e mobs/chests em pk mapas. A chance de drop desses drops foi aumentada.
- PK Maps Rewards Changed ( #guides for more details )
- All Bosses Drops Changed
- All Bosses HP Increased ( Boss Information - Graves NPC Ingame For More Details 2191,2758 )
- PK Maps Mobs/Chests/BD Mobs Drop Rate Hydra Coins Increased
- DW-FC-DS Bosses Drops Changed ( PG Gems Vouchers Added )
- DW-FC-DS Bosses HP Increased
- Aurora/Dark Areas Bosses Drops Changed/HP Increased Too ( Lv95 Keys Drop Added )
- All Guilds Ingame Reseted
- Stone of Oath Available on NPC Shop Center 2241,2784 )
- Guild Limit Changed To 20 Players
- Arena Bar Teles Bosses/Chests Drops Changed (Medura/Pirate/Guardian Bosses)
- Random Advance Gems Chest Fixed

> All old guilds have been deleted and the current limit is 20 players per guild. GMs will no longer be responsible for creating guilds and it will no longer be possible to have more than one leader per guild. The previous guild levels will unfortunately no longer work in this current system!

> Todas as guildas antigas foram excluidas e o limite atual está em 20 jogadores por guilda. Os GMs nao ficarão mais responsaveis pela criação de guildas e nao será possivel ter mais de um lider por guilda. Os niveis das guildas anteriores infelizmente nao irão mais funcionar nesse sistema atual!

> Se han eliminado todos los gremios antiguos y el límite actual es de 20 jugadores por gremio. Los GM ya no serán responsables de crear gremios y no será posible tener más de un líder por gremio. ¡Desafortunadamente, los niveles de gremio anteriores ya no funcionarán en este sistema actual!

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Server Information

    Server Online

    Player Level Instant
  • Max Player LevelLv110
  • Pet Lv Normal FruitsLv50
  • Pet Lv Improved FruitsLv85
  • Pet Growth Expx1850
  • Guild Limit40
  • Drop Ratex5

  • 15:02 10/22/2024

    No GM online.


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